Taxis are one of the most common ways to get around New York for residents and tourists alike. Unfortunately, with thousands of vehicles on the street, taxi accidents are common in the city and the injuries suffered by crash victims can be devastating. At the Law Offices of Justin D. Brandel in New York, we pride ourselves on providing all the information you need to know about taxi accidents and provide zealous representation for our clients injured in this type of crash. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a taxi accident, call or contact our office today to schedule a consultation of your case.
Many of these injuries require extensive medical treatment and sometimes result in permanent disability or require a lifetime of additional care. You deserve to be compensated by those responsible for any injuries caused in a taxi accident.
Compensation for victims injured in New York taxi accidents includes coverage for all economic and noneconomic damages caused by the crash. Economic damages include all medical expenses, lost wages, property loss, and the loss of future income and benefits. Noneconomic damages include compensation for the victim’s pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability, disfigurement, and for the loss of enjoyment of life.
In the most tragic taxi accidents, where a victim dies as a result of their injuries, the family of the victim can also seek damages for wrongful death. Compensation for wrongful death includes all final medical bills, funeral and burial expenses, payment for the victim’s final pain and suffering, and for the loss of love, guidance, counsel, and support of the deceased.
It is important to note that New York uses a comparative fault when it comes to determining final compensation in taxi accidents and all other personal injury claims. This means that the court determines the degree of fault for every person involved in the accident and reduces their overall award by that percentage. For example, if a bicyclist is struck by a taxi, suffering $100,000 in damages, and is found 25% at fault, the overall award is reduced to $75,000. Allocating fault in an accident can have a substantial impact on a victim’s compensation, which is why it is important to always have an experienced accident attorney representing your interests in the case.
If you have been injured in a taxi accident in New York, there are steps that you can take to protect your health and your claim. First, write down the medallion number of the taxi involved in the accident. Seek immediate medical treatment, even if you think that your injuries are minor. Take photos and videos of the scene of the accident as well as your injuries and any other damage, such as the destruction of property. If there are any witnesses to the accident, get their contact information, and get the contact information of the taxi driver if you can. Finally, seek legal representation from an experienced personal injury attorney to handle the insurance companies and the courts so that you can focus on your recovery.
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