Types of Head Injuries Common in Auto Accidents
Scalp Laceration
Diffuse Axonal Injury
A coup-contrecoup head injury also occurs when a substantial force or impact with an object occurs in an auto accident. This type of injury causes two injuries inside the head. The first injury occurs at the site of the impact, known as the coup, and the second injury occurs on the opposite side of the brain, known as the contrecoup. The force in an accident must be significant enough to impact the brain with enough force to cause damage on both sides. Signs of a coup-contrecoup accident include bleeding and swelling of the brain, skull fracture, loss of consciousness, headaches, seizures, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, memory issues, mood disturbance, blurred vision, slurred speech, sensitivity to light and sound, and tinnitus in the ears.
Open Head Wound
An open head wound, or open head injury, involves the victim of an auto accident receiving a cracked or fractured skull in the crash in addition to a brain injury. Blood loss is common, as is swelling of the brain. This type of injury also runs the risk of infection and additional complications because of the open nature of the wound, and debridement is often required if debris from an auto accident gets into the wound.
Penetration Head Wound
Acquired Brain Injury
The last type of head injury seen in New York auto accidents is an acquired brain injury. This type of injury is different from other types of head injuries because the injury occurs inside the body and not from external forces. Two of the most common acquired brain injuries include anoxic and hypoxic injuries. Anoxic acquired brain injuries occur when the brain does not get enough blood to continue functioning properly, and hypoxic acquired brain injuries occur when the brain does not get enough oxygen to continue functioning properly. Lack of blood or oxygen starves the brain cells, which can permanently damage or kill the cells, causing permanent brain injury as brain cells do not regenerate. Victims of auto accidents that suffer acquired brain injuries often require a lifetime of additional care.
To Learn More, Call Our Office
Head injuries caused by auto accident can be serious, costly, and result in permanent disability for crash victims. If you or a loved one has suffered a head injury in a New York auto accident the knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Justin D. Brandel are ready to help. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a consultation of your case now.
- November 27, 2020
- 9:00 am